For the busy bella that does it all. Creating, playing, working, cooking, dating (?), laughing, loving, and perhaps raising a kid in L.A...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Best combo ever: Fragrance Jewelry

I love a good twosie. And I found one I MUST OWN NOW by Lisa Hoffman. It combines my love for long necklaces and perfume perfectly. Pendent hangs on a 22 inch beaded chain and comes with refillable fragrance beads so you can refresh and change scent anytime. This little charm was a 2012 Fifi Awards Finalist. (Fifi is the perfume industries equivalent to the Academy Awards).  Take a look.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I bought mine. Will you buy yours?

I wrote a post about BB and CC creams and was really surprised that lots of people don't know about this little beauty gem. I thought I would further expand on my original post

First let me discuss BB cream. This stands for Blemish/Beauty Balm.  Its a moisturizer, primer, foundation and sunblock all in one! If you are using this as a foundation though it is very light so you may want to go over with concealer where needed and powder.

CC Cream stands for color control cream- however it also acts as a beauty balm like the BB cream. Its an all in one cream with natural looking coverage and a pretty high SPF included.

Pros of CC over BB: Blends a bit better, lighter, less oily of a finish. 

Want to buy some CC cream? Well as of TODAY Olay CC Cream is the only one I could find in the US and NOT SOLD OUT...yet ;)

I just ordered mine!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Paradise Smoothie: Great for Hair and Skin

Bikini Body Fast

Well, bikini season came and went. And this year I was definitely not prepared. I am making a goal- an end of the summer resolution to be bikini proud by next summer :) I think posting will help keep me accountable and motivated. I put up a page that I pulled from Fitness Mag. Its a 20 minute workout that can be done at home. I am setting my alarm clock to wake me 20 minutes before the usual and giving this a try! I will update on how I am doing and who knows maybe someone out there will join in....someone web universe? Check it out: Bikini Body Fast.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Make-up Must Have's

I need to post some tutorials- and will be sure to do that as soon as I can. But for now, I thought I would share some products I use, and will be using in the tutorials. Check them out. You might love them too! Most can be purchased from either Ulta or CVS directly. (For some reason I skipped the foundation (Cat Von D. Lock-It Tattoo)


Monday, October 1, 2012

Fast, Easy and Delicious Taco Dinner

10 Minute Meatless Monday Meal: Thank  you Trader Joe's

Making dinner after work is not something I look forward to. But again, if it's cheaper than going out to eat AND faster than driving to a drive in, or waiting for delivery, and even driving/parking/ordering and waiting for the food- I am in. 

I need to address that while a LOT of my meals are vegetarian- I am not a vegetarian. However, I have found not only are veggie dishes less expensive- they last longer. I am sick of throwing away food I was too tired to make. Or feeling forced into cooking certain things due to an expiration date approaching. So here is my kid friendly, mom friendly, time friendly dish for tonight. 

1. Saute Trader Joe's Beef-less ground beef (I do spray a bit of olive oil on pan so it doesn't stick).
2. This step is optional: I add a table spoon of spaghetti sauce (any kind) and only 2-3 PINCHES of Trader Joes Taco Seasoning. I think because this is NOT real beef it absorbs flavor much more so than regular beef. If you use the suggested half packet it will be VERY spicy. You can turn up the heat by adding more. Over 2 pinches and my 7 year old would not approve. 
3. Heat up taco shells OR even flour/corn tortillas 
4. Add lettuce, cheese, sour cream, avocado- whatever toppings you want. 

DONE. 10 minutes. 

Oh and bonus- Not only does each serving of this beef-less beef have 10 grams of protein, I had some left over and will be throwing that into spaghetti sauce for tomorrows pasta dinner. 

BB Cream, CC Cream...DD cream?

A friend of mine sent me a text asking if I use BB cream. Well two things on this. OBVIOUSLY she is not reading this blog because if she was she would have seen that I referenced to it in my Foundation post ;)And two, yes BB Cream is awesome. 

BB Cream has a bit more coverage/sunscreen than tinted moisturizer with added increased anti aging benefits- but I have to say I am super excited for CC cream. Yep, CC cream. Same thing as BB but oil free and I think they pack this one up with even more anti aging ingredients, stronger sunscreen and better coverage- while feeling lighter on the skin. Olay is supposed to release theirs this October. Not sure when other CCs will be avail in the U.S- Chanel's CC cream is still only overseas. 

The only one I can find to buy RIGHT now is Wei East's. I am trying to find out how to get my hands on Rachel Ks CC cream. Oh and no DD cream now, but I am sure that will change ;)